ECO Partners Featured on Green Teacher Magazine's New Podcast
Here at ECO our staff prioritize involvement with our local community and we are happy to share that 2 teachers at Boardman Local School District that we have been partnering with were recently featured on the Green Teacher Magazine’s new podcast called “Talking with Green Teachers”. Laura Frost and Scott Lenhart are 8th science teacher’s at Boardman Glenwood and work tirelessly to provide unique and engaging ways for their students to learn about science. Both received their Master of Arts in Teaching in the Biological Sciences from of Miami University’s Project Dragonfly program that offers conservation-focused graduate courses in which students travel the globe to join world-class conservation and community projects in Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. This program is what drove them to bring this style of learning back home to their classroom and community. Take a listen to the episode below to learning more about these exceptional educators, their work and how our partnership has accelerated the pace at which they’ve been able to expand and enhance learning experiences with their students.